
24x36 inches (61x91cm)
Landsat MSS data and AVHRR data – 19 scenes
Scale: 1" = 13.1 miles
Hawaii 50th state of the United States, comprising a group of eight major islands and numerous islets in the central Pacific Ocean, 6,450 sq mi (16,706 sq km). Capital and largest city, Honolulu. Nickname, Aloha State. Motto, Ua Mau Ke Ea O Ka Aina I Ka Pono [The Life of the Land Is Perpetuated in Righteousness]. The Hawaiian islands are sometimes called “The Paradise of the Pacific” because of their spectacular beauty: abundant sunshine; acres of green plants and gaily colored flowers; coral beaches with rolling white surf and fringed with palms; and, cloud-covered volcanic peaks. The islands are of volcanic origin and are edged with coral reefs. Hawaii is the largest and geologically the youngest island of the group. The other principal islands are Kahoolawe, Kauai, Lanai, Maui, Molokai, and Niihau. Some of the world's largest active and inactive volcanoes are found on Hawaii and Maui; eruptions of the active volcanoes have provided spectacular displays. Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa are volcanic mountains on Hawaii island; Haleakala volcano is on Maui in Haleakala National Park. Hawaii is one of the world's leading producers of canned pineapple. Other products include sugarcane, coffee, and tuna. U.S. military defense installations at Pearl Harbor